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  • President Wavel Ramkalawan together with his delegation and Ms. Paola Adelmann, representing the Consulate General of Seychelles in Rome, during his official visit at the Vatican in private audience with His Holiness Pope Francis

  • Ms. Paola Adelmann at the handing over of donation to the Perseverance District

  • President Wavel Ramkalawan together with his delegation and Ms. Paola Adelmann, representing the Consulate General of Seychelles in Rome, during his official visit at the Vatican in private audience with His Holiness Pope Francis

  • Ms. Paola Adelmann with President Wavel Ramkalawan, Minister Sylvestre Radegonde and First Lady Linda Ramkalawan in Rome

  • President Wavel Ramkalawan meeting Seychelles community living in Italy

  • Messe Seychelloise, Chapel of Santa Monica, Vatican, celebrated by Father Colin Underwood

  • Celebration of Seychelles Independence Day 2022 in Rome

  • Consulate visit to San Patrignano Centre, led by Mrs. Letizia Moratti

  • Consul Adelmann at ceremony of end of course for Seychelles Officers at the Guardia di Finanza – Italy

  • Former Ambassador Shamlaye and Italian President Napolitano

  • Consul Adelmann credentials’ presentation Amb. Morel to former Italian President Napolitano

  • Consul Adelmann at Credentials’ Presentation Amb. Shamlaye to former Italian President Napolitano

  • Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Adam visit to Pope Francis

  • Seychelles Presidential Delegation visit to the Vatican

  • H. Consul and Mr Spinelli with former President of Seychelles Mr Danny Faure

  • Ms. Paola Adelmann with His Holiness Pope Francis

  • Ms. Paola Adelmann at the handing over of donation to the Perseverance District

  • Consul Adelmann visit to the Vatican Secretary of State Card. Bertone, with former President James A. Michel

  • Former Consul Mr Alfonso Zaccari with Mr Lucio Spinelli

  • Mr. Lucio Spinelli at the Graduation Ceremony of Seychelles’Officers, Tributary Police, Ostia (Roma)

  • Consul Adelmann at ceremony of end of course for Seychelles Officers at the Guardia di Finanza – Italy

  • Consul Adelmann saluting Pope John Paul II with President René

  • Consul Adelman at Blue Panorama inauguration

  • President Ramkalawan with Legal Advisor Ms. Paola Adelmann

  • Vice President Afif with Legal Advisor Ms. Paola Adelmann

  • Ms. Paola Adelmann with local artist Mr. George Camille